What we do

How we care

New life for people who do not see their future

We conduct medical camps to identify people born with disabilities or who have been suffering from incurable sicknesses to re-examine their curability and to provide necessary medical treatments

New Future for the Skilled and Talented

We provide vocational and hands on training programs to those who are eager to explore a new future.

Shelter for elderly and homeless

We find homes and provide shelter for elderly and homeless people and street animals

We support people

We Fund

We approach and fund those who are in need

We Provide Training

We provide vocational training and find markets for those who are willing to earn their living by manufacturing and selling tradable items

We Provide Care

We provide food, lodging and medical supplies where such are required

We Build Care Centers

We construct buildings and make necessary repairs to existing buildings to make them livable for the under privileged.

We provide Medical Support

We provide services of professionally qualified medical doctors, support staff and other facilities to
improve the physical condition of those who need such values

We Strengthen

We conduct seminars and workshops to strengthen the psychological condition of those under